Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Unexpected Tears

I can hardly believe that tomorrow is Andrew's last day of preschool.  Honestly where did the time go?  When I think back to orientation and the first week of school I would have thought the year would have dragged on forever.  Instead Andrew ended up loving school and loving his teachers.  He truly looks forward to going to school everyday and I owe it to the teachers and staff for making it such a wonderful experience for him.

As I walked into the school today I wasn't feeling sad or emotional just kind of thinking it was another day only we were bringing them their gifts because I knew that tomorrow would be a crazy day and didn't want them to be overwhelmed.  Andrew handed Ms. Kathy her gift and all of a sudden it hit me and the tears came, which I was totally not expecting.  I mean it isn't like he is going to Kindergarten next year so really why would I be crying.  The reason is because of how far Andrew has come since the first day.  The first week of holding on for dear life to my leg not wanting to let go and then now saying "bye mom, I love you" and waving to me out the window (our morning ritual, even forgetting every now and then). 

I am so proud of Andrew for being a big boy.  I am amazed at how grown up he is now and I am looking forward to a great summer with him and Maiya.